What Is Brand Positioning | How To Build a Brand

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What Is Brand Positioning | How To Build a Brand

Brand positioning is one of the most important aspects of marketing. From choosing a unique value proposition to crafting a competitive advantage, it’s essential to ensure your brand stands out in the crowded market. But what exactly is brand positioning? And how can you make sure your brand is accurately positioned to attract and retain customers? This blog post, What Is Brand Positioning and How To Build a Brand?, will answer all these questions and more, offering insight into why brand positioning is so important for businesses today and how you can frame your own brand for success.

What is Brand Positioning?

When most people think of branding, they think of a logo or a catchphrase. But those are just surface-level elements of a brand. Your brand is the sum total of how your customers perceive you – and that perception is shaped by everything from your product to your customer service to your marketing campaigns.

Positioning is the strategic process of shaping that perception so that it’s favorable in the minds of your target customers. In other words, it’s figuring out how you want to be seen in the market, and then making sure everything you do communicates that message.

There are three main components to brand positioning:

Target audience: Who are you trying to reach with your brand?

Differentiation: What makes your brand unique and different from the competition?

Value proposition: What benefit does your brand offer to your target audience?

An effective brand positioning strategy will answer all three of these questions. It will also be based on a deep understanding of both your customers and your competition.

What are the benefits of Brand Positioning?

There are many benefits to brand positioning, including:

– Improved clarity and focus for your brand.
– A more differentiated and compelling value proposition.
– Greater resonance with your target audience.
– Increased marketing effectiveness and ROI.
– More efficient use of marketing resources.
– The ability to better withstand competitive pressures.

How to do Brand Positioning | What is Brand Positioning

How to do Brand Positioning?

There are a few key things to keep in mind when thinking about how to position your brand. First, you need to understand what your brand represents and what it stands for. This will be the foundation for all of your branding efforts. Once you have a clear understanding of your brand, you can begin to think about how you want to position it in the marketplace.

It’s important to consider what your competition is doing when positioning your brand. You don’t want to be too similar to them, but you also don’t want to be too different. Find a middle ground that allows you to distinguish yourself from the competition while still remaining relevant to your target audience.

Finally, keep in mind that positioning is not something that you set and forget. It’s an ongoing process that should be revisited on a regular basis as your business grows and changes. By taking the time to properly position your brand, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in the long run.

The 5 steps of Brand Positioning

When it comes to positioning your brand, there are five key steps you need to take:

1. Determine your target market: Who are you trying to reach with your product or service?

2. Define your unique selling proposition: What makes your brand different from the competition?

3. Develop a tagline or slogan that accurately reflects your USP: This will be one of the first things potential customers see, so make sure it packs a punch!

4. Create visually appealing branding materials: From your website and social media accounts to physical signage and marketing collateral, make sure everything looks professional and on-brand.

5. Consistently communicate your brand message: Keep your messaging focused and consistent across all channels, and make sure everyone in your organization is on the same page.

Who is your competition in Brand Positioning?

There are a few ways to think about who your competition is in brand positioning. One way is to consider who else occupies the same space as you in terms of customer needs and wants. Another way is to look at who else could be considered a substitute for what you offer. And finally, you can also think about who else competes for the attention of your target audience.

When it comes to customer needs and wants, your competition is any other brand that offers products or services that meet the same need as yours. For example, if you sell shoes, your competition includes any other brand that sells shoes. If you sell luxury shoes, your competition includes any other brand that sells luxury shoes. And so on.

How to measure the success of your Brand Positioning | What is Brand Positioning

How to measure the success of your Brand Positioning?

There are a few key metrics you can use to measure the success of your brand positioning.

1. Look at your sales numbers. If you’re selling more products or services since you implemented your brand positioning, then it’s likely working.

2. Look at your web traffic and social media engagement. If you’re getting more website visitors and social media mentions, that’s a good sign people are taking notice of your brand.

3. Look at customer feedback. Are people saying positive things about your brand? If so, that means your positioning is resonating with them.

4. Finally, look at employee morale. If employees are proud to work for your company and feel good about the direction it’s going, that’s another sign of a successful brand positioning strategy.


Brand positioning is an invaluable part of any business. It defines how your company is perceived by the public and influences how they interact with your brand. When done correctly, it can help create a loyal customer base that will appreciate and trust in the values of your product or service. Knowing what to consider when designing a strong brand position can make all the difference in how successful you become. With these tips, you should be able to frame your own unique brand successfully!